Electric vehicles powering deliveries

We are committed to having 100% electric vehicles in our own fleet by 2025, and 25% of our Last Mile Delivery Partners fleet, with the goal to reach 100% by 2030. We are piloting innovative services to make our deliveries more competitive, efficient and eco-friendly.

Electric vehicles powering deliveries

We are committed to having 100% electric vehicles in our own fleet by 2025, and 25% of our Last Mile Delivery Partners fleet, with the goal to reach 100% by 2030. We are piloting innovative services to make our deliveries more competitive, efficient and eco-friendly.

We have one of the largest EV fleets in New Zealand, and it's growing*. See our journey here.



Our Paxsters

Our owned delivery fleet includes over 400 award winning electric vehicles – The Paxsters.

Our Paxsters are custom designed for efficient delivery. They have minimised carbon emissions, pollutants and noise associated with delivery. They only require a charge of only 8.4kWh per day (on average).

Our Paxsters were designed with recycling in mind, so when they come to the end of their life, the plastic, aluminium and steel components, and batteries can all be easily separated and recycled.

Helping to get more electric vans on the road

Transitioning conventiuonal vans to electric vans is a key component to lowering greenhourse gas (GHG)  emissions from the delivery network. To accelerate our courier drivers' uptake, we’ve kick-started a few initiatives:

Try before you buy:

We’re offering EV demos and trials through automotive partners – giving our courier drivers an exclusive experience with an EV, with the option to purchase one after the trial.

Making EVs more affordable:

Our Electric Vehicle Incentive Programme offers NZ Post contractors financial support to help invest in EVs with an upfront contribution towards the total cost of purchase. This is subject to availability. For more information please contact the Sustainability team at [email protected]

Making electric vans more accessible:

Our $20 million financing agreement partnership with New Zealand Green Investment Finance (NZGIF) has been put in place to help accelerate the transition of the NZ Post courier fleet even faster.

This partnership enabled the purchase of over 60 electric vans as of December 2023, that are available for lease and purchase by NZ Post contractors. Each time the electric van is is re-leased, it becomes more affordable. This means our contractors can move away from their diesel van, even if they aren’t quite ready to purchase an EV upfront just yet.

Low emission trucks & eCanters

Our first electric truck, co-funded by EECA, the eCanter truck, has been on NZ’s roads since 2022, as well as our very first hydrogen truck – a revolutionary alternative to diesel hauler trucks.

Co-funded by EECA, the eCanter truck – our first electric truck – will be hitting the road in April 2022, with the purpose of gathering data so we can better understand how to introduce these new trucks into our fleet.

Through the use of these two trucks, we are gathering data to better understand how to introduce these new trucks into our fleet.

* Based on the number of road-legal registered electric vehicles.