Rural Delivery
Find out how to receive Rural Delivery, set up your rural mailbox to send mail, and how to send to a rural address.
Rural Delivery
Find out how to receive Rural Delivery, set up your rural mailbox to send mail, and how to send to a rural address.
How to register for Rural Delivery
Live at a rural address? There are a range of rural mail, parcel delivery & collection services you can apply for. Check your address receives Rural Delivery, then create a My NZ Post account to manage your parcel and mail deliveries.
1. Check your address is rural
Use the Address Finder tool to confirm your address contains RD and you can receive Rural Delivery.
2. Log in to your My NZ Post account
Don't have an account? Create one now - it's free and gives you access to great benefits.
3. Apply for Rural Delivery
Once you're logged in to your My NZ Post account, you can apply for Rural Delivery.
Things to know about Rural Delivery
We can only provide gate delivery to properties already located in an area where an existing Rural Delivery service passes, and the mailbox is easily and safely serviced from a vehicle.
Where a gate delivery service is not available, a mail delivery service will be provided to a single or aggregated delivery point (nests of mailboxes), placed at an agreed location within the existing delivery route that is closest to the applicant’s property. Depending on individual circumstances, this may be at the entrance to a specific road or to the nearest terminal point on the existing delivery.
Door delivery service is available for Rural Delivery addresses provided the dwelling is within 0.5km (one way) from the delivery point (mailbox) or defined route and there are no closed gates, unsuitable access, dogs etc. preventing delivery.
Where a housing development is established on, or close to an existing rural delivery route, a mail delivery service will only be provided to aggregated delivery points (nests of boxes) at an agreed location. This is usually within the existing delivery route that is closest to the development.
Depending on individual circumstances, this may be at the entrance to a specific road, the entrance to the development, or to strategically or centrally placed mailbox nests within the development (provided these are within the existing delivery route and does not impact on the existing network by doing so).
Your rural mail will be delivered if your mailbox:
- Has a minimum size of 400mm deep x 270mm wide x 270mm high, with a flag fitted to indicate mail is awaiting collection.
- Provides access by a front-opening hinged door that opens downwards and is non-locking. It should have a mail slot large enough for large magazines to be placed inside without bending or opening the door. The mail slot should be no less than 250mm x 30mm. Mail should drop out of sight to keep it secure.
- Is located to allow easy, all-weather access and positioned so your Rural Delivery owner-driver can reach it without leaving their vehicle. The best location may not always be by your gate. It‘s important you comply with local bylaws, traffic regulations and phone/power cable requirements. Please discuss your options with your Rural Delivery owner-driver before constructing your mailbox.
- Has the street/road number of your property (if available) clearly printed on the box in numerals at least 25mm high. Local Authorities are progressively allocating numbers to all properties in their area and your property may already have a number allocated. If not, or if you would prefer to use your name, please feature your initials and surname, or company name.
Height and position of mail slot
The recommended height of your mailbox mail slot is between 1m and 1.2m from the ground. This allows easy and safe access without the Rural Delivery owner-driver having to get out of their vehicle.
You can buy a purpose-built rural mailbox from selected retail and hardware outlets.
Changing your details
If you need to update your phone number or the names of people living at your Rural Delivery address, you can do it online or at your local NZ Post store. Find NZ Post
Cancelling your rural service
If you no longer require the Rural Delivery Service, you can cancel your service online or at your local NZ Post store. Find NZ Post
Community mailboxes
If Rural Post owner-drivers don't deliver to your area, you may be able to access a free NZ Post community mailbox. Community mailbox locations.

Sending to a rural address
A charge of $5.70 applies when using our domestic parcel services to send to a rural address. Buy online as part of your sending label or in booklets of ten rural tickets. There is no additional cost to send letters to a Rural Delivery address.
Mr W L Smith
21 Greens Road
RD 2
Ruawai 0592
Mail addressed to people not listed in your Rural Delivery Service Agreement should be addressed c/- your name and Rural Delivery address:
Mr & Mrs G O'Brien
C/- Mr W L Smith
21 Greens Road
RD 2
Ruawai 0592

Sending from a rural address
Outgoing mail and courier items can be collected from your mailbox by your Rural Delivery owner-driver. Simply raise the flag to show mail is ready for pickup. Your Rural Delivery owner-driver can tell you the correct postage and sell you stamps and a select range of products.
Terms and conditions
We, New Zealand Post Limited
- recognise the person(s) signing the Rural Delivery Service Agreement as the contracting party (“Rural Delivery Customer”), authorised to sign on behalf of all other persons named in the Agreement.
- agree mail will not be given to any other person without written consent from the Rural Delivery Customer.
- will observe relevant provisions contained in the Postal Services Act 1998, Public Contract for Delivery of Postal Articles, and Postal User’s Guide in providing service. These are available for viewing at NZ Post Stores.
- will determine delivery frequency and routes for Rural Delivery Service at our discretion, taking factors such as local delivery arrangements, household and/or business density, road conditions, Owner Driver safety and ease of access into consideration.
- reserve the right to relocate, withdraw, change delivery frequency, delivery time or method of delivery on one month’s written notice to the Rural Delivery Customer.
- reserve the right to refuse delivery on private roads or where access is obstructed by a gate(s).
- reserve the right to withdraw Rural Delivery Service immediately if it is found to be used for illegal purposes.
- may refuse delivery of an article where there is a dispute between parties over entitlement, until entitlement has been determined. If there is no agreement or a default in agreement, NZ Post Limited will treat the article as undelivered.
- may publish the name and postal address details of all people receiving mail at the Rural Delivery Customer’s address except where non-listing has been indicated in writing (see “Protecting your privacy” section overleaf). All care will be taken in compiling details but neither the publisher nor New Zealand Post Limited will accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or the results of such. All information will be held by New Zealand Post Limited or by an approved agent of New Zealand Post Limited and may be made available to businesses or organisations for the purpose specified overleaf. Under the Privacy Act 2020, individuals have the right to request access to, and correction of, their personal information held by New Zealand Post Limited. You can review, see or correct your personal information held by New Zealand Post Limited at any time. Phone 0800 804 307 or write to: Addressing Services Manager, NZ Post, PO Box 23, Wellington.
- will provide a pickup service to Rural Delivery Customers, providing articles of mail with the correct postage affixed are placed in the Rural Delivery Customer’s mail box with the flag raised to signal collection.
- reserve the right to alter, change or amend the Rural Delivery Service Terms and Conditions on one month’s written notice.
You, the Rural Delivery Customer
- confirm that each of the individuals named overleaf has authorised the disclosure to, and use by, New Zealand Post Limited of their personal information for the purposes set out above.
- will, to help achieve accurate delivery, advise your correct postal address to all parties likely to correspond with you. Your postal address should include your name, initials, street/road number and name (where available), your Rural Delivery number and location from which the Rural Delivery Service operates. Mail addressed to other parties not listed on the Rural Delivery Service Agreement should be addressed care of the Rural Delivery Customer’s name.
- shall return any mail not intended for you or other persons listed on the Rural Delivery Service Agreement to New Zealand Post Limited promptly.
- will observe relevant provisions contained in the Postal Services Act 1998, Public Contract for Delivery of Postal Articles, and Postal User’s Guide. These are available for viewing at NZ Post stores.
- agree that it is your responsibility to erect and maintain in good condition, at your cost, a rural mail box that meets New Zealand Post Limited specifications.* - agree that your name, initials and/or the street/road number of your property must be clearly printed on your rural mail box.
- agree that you will erect your rural mail box at a site agreed with your local Rural Delivery Owner Driver. The mail box shall be located to allow easy, all-weather access for delivery and shall comply with traffic regulations, local bylaws and the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.
- agree to notify New Zealand Post Limited if you no longer require the Rural Delivery Service to be provided, indicating where you would like your mail delivered in the future.
- Enquiries may be directed to your local NZ Post store.
* You may purchase or build your own rural mail box provided that it meets New Zealand Post Limited specifications. Purpose-built rural mail boxes can be purchased from selected hardware and retail outlets nationwide. For more information please contact our Customer Care Centre.