Your mail delivery days

We deliver standard letters and economy parcels to addresses in major cities and towns 3 days per week, either on Monday, Wednesday and Friday OR Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Rural addresses receive mail 5 days per week (Monday- Friday).

You can find your mail delivery schedule by searching for your address using our Address & Postcode Finder.

Find your mail delivery days

Our delivery targets

We aim to deliver at least 90% of standard mail within our delivery target of three working days.

For example, if someone posts a letter to you on Monday, you should receive it on Wednesday (if your delivery days are Monday/Wednesday/Friday), or Thursday (if your delivery days and Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday).

Frequently asked questions

Our Private Box service is a great way to receive your standard mail daily. Depending on the Box lobby and chosen service, you can receive mail to your PO Box 5 or 6 days a week.

Businesses receive standard letters to their street address on the same schedule as residential addresses. You can find the mail delivery schedule by searching for your business address using our Address & Postcode Finder.

Businesses with a Private Box service receive standard mail 5 or 6 days a week, depending on the chosen service.

Mail isn't delivered on public holidays. If your standard mail is due to be delivered on a public holiday, we will deliver it on the next working day assigned for your street. e.g. if you are on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday schedule and Monday is a public holiday, your mail will be delivered on Wednesday.