Application for an urban mail delivery service
Complete the form below to apply for a physical Mail Delivery Service to an urban delivery address.
This application will be assessed against NZ Post service criteria to determine if a delivery service can be provided to the address.
We aim to complete this assessment within 5-10 working days of receiving your application.
Please check that the address you are requesting a delivery service to:
- Complies with the NZ Post Postal Users' Guide (PUG) (Section 3: Pg. 20-21)
- Has a letterbox that fits NZ Post mailbox specifications
- Has a letterbox that is accessible for delivery Monday to Saturday
Other aspects we take into consideration when assessing an address for service:
- Cost to service
- Existing services and contractual obligations in the area
- New and/or future developments
- Mode suitability
- Safety
- Security
- Counter service suitability